What is Puree? Top 5 favorite puree from Dalat fresh fruits

Thứ bảy - 18/02/2023 13:50

Puree is one of the popular ingredients applicable in cooking, confectionery, bartending, etc.

Puree is just like a “secret weapon” that help enhance taste, tempting the observer. So what is puree? Take a quick look with Physalisvn and discover the top 5 favorite purees from Da Lat fresh fruit. 

What is Puree?

puree dau tay 2
What is Puree?

Puree translates to Vietnamese mean mashed. This food type was mashed and blended from several different ingredients, primarily vegetables. It is dense and varies in color. Vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, etc will be well cooked before processing to puree. And usually, fruit to make fruit puree will be skin removal and then pureeing. After that, reserve at low temperature or freeze.

Popular application of puree

Because puree has the above advantages, it has many applications in life

Cake making

Combining puree with other ingredients to make cake will help it taste more fantastic. Especially, there is no need to use industrial colorant, puree with natural color will ensure beauty and safety to health.
banh cheesecake dau tay
Cake making applied with puree


Sauces made from puree are welcome, they are served with other dishes. It is also a trusted option by parents during their baby's weaning time. Furthermore, food decoration with puree is a favorite in U.S. and U.K.

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Dishes decoration with puree in U.S. & U.K. 


Fruit purees are appropriate for bartending beverages, like cocktails, mocktails, smoothies, etc in specific.

Roasted Fruit Purees Cocktails FT MAG0822 2000 e3852ea1d6684a58bae8d955a7256cff
Using puree in bartending drinks

Making fresh ice cream 

Mixing fruit puree with the needed ingredients will create a refreshing ice cream. Or you can use puree as dressing sauce, to make an impression in the flavor.

yogurt puree dau
Ice cream dressing puree DIY

Top 5 fresh fruit puree from Dalat

With a temperate climate and ideal soil, help Da Lat grows so many signature fruits that contain a delicious flavor, and are high in nutrients. Because of that, many purees were made with fresh fruit from here and were highly evaluated by users

Raspberry Puree 

Raspberry is a member of the Rose (Rosaceae) family, including two kinds: Raspberry and Blackberry. Raspberry contains superb high nutrient contents which bring a lot of health benefits such as vitamins C, E, K, fiber, etc. In particular, it contains low calories level, quite relevant for a healthy diet

puree phuc bon tu
Raspberry Puree 

Raspberry puree has a sweet and sour taste, with a designation red, making cake or bartending beverage is the best option. Raspberry puree has an anti-oxidant, improves arthritis, prevents cancer, helps the digestion system possibility, etc.

Strawberry Puree 

When reminding Da Lat's specialty, we can’t forget to mention strawberries. According to the study of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), each strawberry only contains 32%. Besides, it also has numerous different nutrients, including protein, carbs, sugar, fiber, fat, vitamin C, magnesium, manganese, potassium, etc
puree dau tay
Strawberry Puree

Strawberries are quite perishable if exposed to high temperatures. Since that transferring from Da Lat to the lowlands, the shelf life is usually short. However, if we choose to use strawberry puree, then we have a longer shelf life and more health benefit. The significant among it is heart functional improvement, anticarcinogen, inhibiting diabetes risk, antioxidant, etc.

Mulberry Puree

Mulberry puree holds high nutrient contents, including vitamins (C, K1, E), minerals (Fe, K), protein, carbs, fiber, fat, etc. Using it helps decrease cholesterol, control blood sugar, prevent cancer risk, etc.
Mulberry puree is a sweet and sour taste, so making cake won’t be greasy. At the same time, the natural color itself is taken advantage of by decor dishes and cakes, etc.

puree dau tam
Mulberry Puree


Reference: Da Lat fresh fruit puree

Golden berry Puree 

Goldenberry's scientific name is Physalis Peruviana. Highly contain nutritional vitamins like vitamins A, C, B2, B1, and B3 and minerals such as Fe, K, Zn, Phosphorus, and Calcium. Not only that, 100g of goldenberries also contain 1.9g protein, 17.3 carbohydrates, and 3.6g fiber (regarding food nutrients from the national database of USDA).
tam bop nam my 3
Golden berry Puree 

Golden berry puree is a favorite that helps strengthen body resistance, improve vision, assist with cancer treatment, diabetes, etc. You can use it as making beverages, cakes, or ice cream.

Soursop Puree  

Soursop is a rich ideal source of potassium and vitamin C for our body. However, the sugar level of this fruit is high, so You need to take it with the right regimen to minimize side effects.
puree mang cau
High potassium and vitamin C content in soursop puree

This fruit brings a lot of benefits to our body, the significant among those is enhanced immune system, improve digestion system, prevent inflammation, stable blood pressure, etc. Soursop puree is a favorite when used directly or with ice cream.


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