10 unique and delicious dishes with ingredients made from avocados

Thứ tư - 01/03/2023 11:38

Avocado is a fruit native to Mexico, they belong to the family Lauraceae.

As a subtropical fruit, it is quite easy to grow avocados in cool climates in Vietnam. In terms of nutritional value, avocado is highly appreciated because of its many components that offset health benefits. In particular, you can add avocado to many different dishes. Let's learn about unique dishes made from avocado with Physalisvn.


Nutritional composition of avocado

bo 034
Avocado with many nutrients

Compared to other fruits, avocado is ranked in the top because it possesses an extremely diverse number of nutritional components. Specifically, with 100g avocadio will contain:
  • Vitamin C: 17mg
  • Vitamin E: 2.66mg
  • Protein: 1.9g
  • Starch: 2.3g
  • Fat: 9.4g
  • Fiber: 0.5g
  • Calcium: 60mg
  • Iron: 1.6mg
  • Magnesium: 24mg
  • Copper: 311mg
  • Potassium: 351mg
  • Beta-carotene: 53 mcg
  • Folate: 35mcg

Nhờ vào các thành phần ở trên, trái bơ có cho mình khá nhiều công dụng có lợi cho sức khỏe của người dùng. 

Famous avocados in Vietnam

Currently, there are many different avocado varieties in Vietnam. Each variety has its own distinct flavor and visual characteristics. Here are some prominent names:

  •  Avocado 034: long avocado, glossy green skin, small seeds, fleshy.
  • Booth avocado: round shape, glossy shell, yellow fleshy inside.

  • 4-season avocado: long green fruit, large fruit at the bottom, smaller on the stem.

  • Hass avocado: round fruit with purple skin, fatty flesh with characteristic color.

  • Reed avocado: similar in appearance to Booth butter, but with a thick, slightly tanned skin.

10 Unique dishes from avocados

Avocado is often loved to eat fresh, make ice cream, smoothies, etc. However, there are still many dishes made from avocado that you may encounter for the first time. So what are these dishes?

Avocado toasted eggs

Avocado toasted eggs

Avocado Salad


Avocado salad for diet
Avocado salad with fresh shrimp

Avocado porridge

Avocado porridge with high nutritional content

Green tea avocado cookies

Delicious green tea avocado cookies

Avocado pudding 


pudding bơ
Avocado pudding 

Avocado hamberger


Hamberger bơ

Deep fried avocado

Deep fried avocado

Avocado roll sushi

Avocado roll sushi

Spaghetti with avocado sauce

Spaghetti with avocado sauce

Avocado with fish sauce

Avocado with fish sauce served with rice

Health benefits of avocado

When you add avocado to the right diet, your body will:

  • Improve heart health.

  • Improve the immune system, fight inflammation thanks to the composition of Vitamin E and fatty acids.

  • The fiber in avocado will improve the digestive system quite well.

  • Calcium and Vitamin K are the ingredients that help bones grow stronger and better.

  • Avocado's folate, phytochemicals and carotenoids contribute to the prevention of certain types of cancer.

  • Good anti-oxidant, helps keep eyes healthy.

  • Folate of avocado will limit the neural tube defects of the fetus, reduce the possibility of miscarriage and premature birth. 

With the above 10 unique dishes, you can diversify your menu from avocado. This is a fruit with many nutrients, so add them to your body to absorb nutrients beneficial to health.

Reference: Dalat Avocado 034

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