Top 5 fresh fruits in Dalat provide Vitamin C for the body
Thứ hai - 27/02/2023 09:46
Vitamin C là một trong những sinh tố giúp tăng cường hệ miễn dịch tốt nhất.
Nhờ đó mà cơ thể được khỏe mạnh, có khả năng kháng nhiễm trùng, chống oxy hóa, đẹp da, sáng mắt,... Nguồn cung cấp Vitamin C hiệu quả nhất hiện nay vẫn là từ thực phẩm rau củ quả. Vậy hãy cùng Physalisvn điểm danh top 5 loại trái cây tươi Đà Lạt với hàm lượng Vitamin C cao.
1. Strawberry
Strawberry (Fragaria Ananassa) is a fruit of the Rosaceae family. They are bright red in color, outside the shell are small white seeds. On average, the number of seeds on the strawberry body will fall in the range of 200 seeds. This fruit was first grown in ancient Rome, then quickly spread around the world.
Da Lat strawberries are a favorite of various tourists
Currently, the famous strawberry growing area in Vietnam is in Da Lat. With a temperate climate, rich soil with nutrients, it is a good condition for vines to grow, develop and produce high yields.
Strawberries contain a lot of beneficial nutrients, 97% water, 7.7% carbohydrates, in addition to fats and proteins. In particular, strawberries are rich in Vitamin C, which is popular in nutrition and beauty diets.
2. Bell pepper
Bell pepper belongs to the plant group Capsicum Annuum. They have many different colors, Dalat bell peppers you will come across are yellow, green and red. The taste of bell peppers is sweet and sour, mixed with a bit of pungent taste.
Bell peppers with high vitamin C content
Bell peppers are rich in Vitamins A, C and K, along with many other beneficial nutrients for the body. The outstanding use of this fruit helps keep eyes healthy and bright, strengthens muscle function, regulates blood pressure, etc. Especially for pregnant women, it is recommended to use bell peppers for nutrition, because because they can prevent birth defects in the fetus.
Da Lat honey pineapple replenishes energy every day
When it comes to healthy fresh fruits, please refer to the honey pineapple. They contain a lot of Vitamins A, C, B6, zinc, manganese, etc. Using honey pineapple with the right regimen will maintain a healthy metabolism for the body, especially good anti-oxidants.
To supplement nutrition from honey pineapple, you can use juice, smoothie or process it into many delicious dishes. In baking and decoration, pineapple puree is also quite popular and favored.
4. Raspberry
Raspberry is also one of the fresh fruits in Dalat that is loved by many tourists. They will come in two distinctive varieties, red and black, similar in shape to mulberries and strawberries. The taste of raspberries is sweet and sour, similar to the other two types of fruit. However, they will have a distinctive aroma that is difficult to confuse.
Raspberry has a high nutrient content, notably Vitamin C, Vitamin A, B6, B, E, etc, and many other healthy minerals. They help improve the body's immune system, control blood sugar, fight cancer, keep the brain healthy, etc.
Currently, products such as juice, confectionery, jam, etc, made from raspberry are being sold quite widely in the market. You can shop whenever you want.
5. Golden berry
T he scientific name of golden berry is Physalis Peruviana. Currently, they are being developed according to the standard model in Lam Dong as well as some northern areas.
This fruit is appreciated for its good nutritional content, a rich source of vitamin C for the body. In addition, there are many other vitamins and minerals. The outstanding use of golden berry is currently the treatment of cancer, diabetes, immunity enhancement, wound healing, etc.
Golden berry
The nutritional value of golden berry is not only in the fruit, but also in the leaves and stems of the plant, which have high applicability. Golden berry vegetables are processed into dishes such as stir-fries, soups and salads. About the stem, it is produced to make tea, has heat-clearing properties, very good for the body