Why is durian “stenchy”? Who should not eat durian?

Thứ hai - 20/03/2023 09:37

Durian is a tropical fruit that is would be a people favorite thing.

Some people cannot bear an aroma of this fruit because of its unpleasant smell. So, what is the reasons? Let’s figure out the detailed information about an interesting fruit below with us! Health benefits of durian will be also mentioned.

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Durian is an “addictive” fruit because of its irresistible aroma.

Reasons durian is “stenchy” for some people

The people can taste durian whom they supposed to think it is very delicious. Even it is so addictive that makes the fruit is unforgettable. On the contrary, some people certainly can not bear durian’s smell, they feel its aroma has been compared to foot odor, onion odor, etc.
The reasons smell of durian was studied by German scientists. They were applied an EADA method – a method which analyzed the aroma from extract. The research shows durian have a variety of compounds, in the majority is organic compounds that created fruits or onion odor. 

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The reasons durian is “stenchy”

The weaker odors created sulfur or cabbage. Despite the fact that the durian odor will be combined from 2 compounds consist of Ethyl (2S)-2-methylbutanoate and 1-(ethylsulfonyl) ethanethiol.

Nutrition facts of durian 

In some people thought the durian alike a “frightening” food but it contains a highly variety of nutrients. Publish of Agriculture in the United States below, according to USDA research database, the nutrition facts in 100 grams of durian consist of:

  • Vitamin C: 19,700 mg
  • Water: 64,99 grams
  • Fiber: 3,8 grams
  • Total fat: 5,33 grams
  • Calories: 147 kilocalorie
  • Protein: 1,47 grams
  • Carbohydrate: 27,09 grams
  • Magnesium (Mg): 30 miligrams
  • Calcium (Ca): 6 miligrams
  • Iron (Fe): 0,43 miligram
  • Phosphorus (P): 39 miligrams
  • Potassium (K): 436 miligrams

These nutritious compounds will have many beneficial effects on consumer’s health. So, what are the beneficial effects? Let’s find out the following information.

Advantages of eating durian 

Durian contains those compounds above which certainly have many advantages for consumer’s health, for instance:

  • Vitamin C content in durian help to boost the immune system and be healthier
  • Improve digestive system, the durian’s fiber will help to get rid of constipation
  • Help to strengthen your bones with ideal calcium and phosphorus contents
  • Help to prevent the process of aging
  • Improve the anemia (lack of blood produces)
  • Support your heart function, reduce stroke risk
  • Help to prevent the cancer
golden yellow durian flesh seasonal fruit thai fruit concept scaled
Health benefits of durian

Despite the fact that advantages, over-consuming durian may cause the inevitable drawbacks. So, who should not eat durian?

Some objects should not eat durian

These are objects should restrict and avoid durian over-consuming. The durian over-consuming may cause serious effects and harm to your health. 

Pregnant women

Durian has an excessive internal heat, contains high sugar content, eating too much durians might cause flatulence, indigestion, hypertension, etc. If you want to eat durian, you will eat it in a moderate amount. By the way, patients have high blood pressure must eat this fruit rationally. 

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients

The content of Potassium (K) is quite high lead to heart arrhythmia. The possibility of being cardiac arrest in patients is inevitable. In that case, the CKD patients must not eat durian.

Prone to acne and internal body heat

Durian is a nutritious fruit that has a strong “warming” property. For those of us whose body constitutions are pre-disposed to heatiness can induce pimples or acne. If you prone to internal body heat, you can eat durian in a moderate amount. On the same hand, kidney-yin deficiency patients must not eat this fruit. 

Where to buy a distinctive durian

In the modern markets have many places sell durian in a variety of prices. Using of Plant Growth Regulator caused durian ripening quickly is sought-after. You may have encounter adverse health effects or cannot gain the durian’s nutrition if you buy durian in unreliable suppliers. 
1Một số đặc điểm nhận biết sầu riêng có hóa chất
Where to buy quality durian?

Physalisvn is currently a supplier of golden berry, fresh fruit products and including quality durian to consumers. All products meet Vietgap standards, ensuring food safety and hygiene, supporting customers in the optimal purchasing and shipping process. In particular, frozen durian products here can be used all year round.

Reference: Whole frozen durian

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