Some ways to bartending from Physalisvn Cocentrated Golden berry

Thứ hai - 05/04/2021 22:10

Some delicious recipes for Concentrated Golden berry

Concentrated Golden berry Physalisvn – the kind of natural fruit liquid extracted from golden berries. Those berries so tiny as cherry tomatoes with sour and sweet taste as intertwined from strawberry and kiwi. The special concentrated is combined between smoothies and jams, after the puree golden berry stage, then cook it with sugar until the consistency becomes viscous. This featured process make the concentrated golden berry is brand new that win customer’s heart. Maybe you do not know about the great applications of this Golden berry concentrated, let’s find out with us!

Chilled concentrated golden berry

A glass of concentrated golden berry mixed with som ice helps increase Vitamin C boost vitamin C content greater than strawberry, which is nutrition source contains a variety of beneficial compound, help to strengthen your health. The concentrated golden berry are low in calories, and contain a great amount of nutrients, by the way the berry help to support and improve your health.

  • Recipe: 30ml concentrated golden berry + 50ml water + ice cube (the recipe is up to you)

  • Tiny tip: mix with another fruit juice such as strawberry, orange, etc will make the increase of richness and savor’ beverage one.

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Golden berry black tea

If you were a kind of tea beverage bias, you will fond of a golden berry black tea. This golden berry black tea is one of popular and brand-new summer-vibe beverage with the savor of black tea and golden berry intertwined. Not only does the beverage quench the thirst, but the making of it is simple.

- Ingredients:
  • 50 g hồng trà
  • 20 ml nước cốt tầm bóp
  • 2 – 3 quả tầm bóp chín tươi
  • Đá viên
- A checklist:

Step 1: Boil 100 mL of water and brew 50 grams of black tea with boiled water. After brewing, use a tea strainer for separate and stain tea matter from a liquid, pour 400 mL of water down the tea liquid in order for an adequate tea quantity. The brew step is very crucial, this is one of secrets for making the delicious black tea.

Step 2: Add 80 mL of tea liquid, 20 mL of concentrated golden berry and ice globe into a shaker. Shake well for mixing ingredients.

Step 3: Bisect golden berry into 2 equal parts, pour down the shake mixture into a glass, decorate with 2 bisected berries for aesthetical look and taste.


The concentrated golden berry will support your eyesight, prevent from the dryness, improve your optic, help your eyes adapt to different light conditions. This concentrated golden berry help to protect your liver, support the pregnant women’ health, antioxidant. Drinking the concentrated help to relief for your pain and arthritis, strengthen the cognitive abilities, heart’s function, lower your cholesterol level, etc.

In a scorching weather, hustle and bustle of daily lives, a glass of concentrated golden berry is your savior. Moreover, the concentrated golden berry has a variety of uses such as cheese cake or cream cake’s cover, some type of jelly, coloring agent in food and beverage!

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