Golden Berry used as an aesthetical and luxurious cake decoration
Use golden berry as ingredient and decoration is a brand-new trend and become viral in the pastry industry. There are some types of cake used golden berry in luxurious and art decoration below:
Golden Berry used as frost cake decoration
Decorating with rose mary leaves is a marvelous experience
Golden berry and grape freshly decorated onto pancake
In Arabic culture, the golden berry is decorated onto mango-flavored cake
The berry is decorated onto chocolate flycup
Golden Berry sponge cake
Golden berry decorated onto a chocolate
Golden berry decorated onto a chocolate
Using thin calyxes of golden berry to emphasize the cake’s softness
An European Cake
A minimalism decoration with golden berry
A cake decoration tendency towards a Renaissance art
A spring-styled cake
The main ingredient used in jelly cake is golden berry
A ladder cake like the Gardens of Babylon
A ladder cake like the Gardens of Babylon
Above are some cake decoration samples using golden berry with limitless creativity, see you again in the next section with more attractive designs.