Physalisvn Golden berry seeds Physalisvn Golden berry seeds Physalisvn In Stock GOLDEN BERRY was successfully grown at Farm Lam Dong
- Germination rates > 85%
- Planting time: all year round

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Golden berry seeds Physalisvn

1665 Lượt xem

100.000 VNĐ

  • Product code: S000389
  • GOLDEN BERRY was successfully grown at Farm Lam Dong
    - Germination rates > 85%
    - Planting time: all year round



GOLDEN BERRY was successfully grown at Farm Lam Dong

- Germination rates > 85%
- Planting time: all year round
- How to plant crops: Soak the seeds in warm water for 2 hours, then plant the seeds in the previously prepared substrate, pay attention to water enough moisture and protect the sprouts from insect damage (ants, snails...). Seeds germinate after 7-14 days, when the seedlings are about 10-15cm tall, they can uproot the surrounding soil to move the plants to the desired position, the distance between the plants is 50-70cm. Fertilize more manure, organic every 3 months, pay attention to prevent pests, thrips, mealybugs... golden berry or scientific name is Physalis Peruviana. It was grown as a food by the ancient Inca people, now it has grown strongly into the countries of South America (Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, ...) and spread all over the world. The common name in the world is golden berry.
- Characteristics: The fruit is spherical with a shell around it, 1.5 - 3cm in diameter/fruit, yellow-orange when ripe. The fragrance blends strawberry, grape, apple, pineapple, kiwi... very unique; Sweet, sour, sweet and sour taste and characteristic aroma
- How to use golden berry: The fruit is used fresh as normal fruits, mixed in salads or used as ice cream, jam, dried to eat as a snack, cake decoration ...

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